Full ingredient list: Omega-3 Algae Oil, DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).
DHA is an important component in the membranes of the brain and eyes, accounting for up to 97% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and 93% in the eyes. Many studies confirm that people of all ages, from infants to adults, benefit from an adequate supply of DHA. Despite the proven health benefits, it is difficult for most people to obtain the recommended levels through diet alone. However, supplements and foods fortified with DHA can help to bridge this gap.
In market, StrongBaby™ DHA Drops provides the highest concentration of essential DHA to ensure your baby obtain the recommended level for optimal brain, eyes, immune and nervous system development. It is produced from a renewable and sustainable algae source, that is naturally rich in DHA omega-3 and is non-allergenic. The DHA omega-3 ingredient of StrongBaby™ DHA Drops has been well-researched, and is clinically tested on the health benefits.